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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 28 Prohibits removal of dirt or gravel from alleys Repealed by Ord. 586
Ord. 27 Establishes grade on Second Street Special
Ord. 26 Establishes grade on Main Street Special
Ord. 25 Establishes grade on Fir Street Special
Ord. 24 Establishes grade of Main Street Special
Ord. 23 Provides method for repairing and rebuilding sidewalks Repealed by Ord. 856
Ord. 22 Establishes grade of First Street Special
Ord. 21 Fixes datum point Repealed by Ord. 831
Ord. 20 Fixes datum point Repealed by Ord. 831
Ord. 19 Fixes salary of police judge Repealed by 118, 122
Ord. 18 Defines misdemeanors and punishments therefor Repealed by Ord. 586
Ord. 17 Prohibits sale of cigars and cigarettes to minors Repealed by Ord. 224
Ord. 16 Licenses billiard, pool and Klondike games Repealed by Ord. 1108
Ord. 15 Regulates sewage disposal Repealed by Ord. 45
Ord. 14 Relates to keeping and storing of explosives Repealed by Ord. 1775
Ord. 13 Provides for licensing of traveling theatrical companies, shows, circuses and other forms of amusement Repealed by Ord. 129
Ord. 12 Fixes compensation for common laborer Repealed by Ord. 116
Ord. 11 Requires screens in areas where food is sold to public Not codified
Ord. 10 Regulates keeping of certain animals and fowl Repealed by Ord. 666
Ord. 9 Provides for licensing of peddlers and itinerant merchants Repealed by Ord. 116
Ord. 8 Creates office of street commissioner Repealed by Ord. 130
Ord. 7 Adopts construction specifications for sidewalks 1911 Repealed by Ord. 1633
Ord. 6 Adopts speed limits Repealed by Ord. 116
Ord. 5 Creates position of fire marshal Not codified
Ord. 4 Taxes dogs Repealed by Ord. 150