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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. 2399 Amends 2023-2024 budget 7/11/2023 Special
Ord. 2398 Amends §§ 12.48.130, 12.48.140(B)(3) and 12.48.180, Canyon Park subarea regulations 6/13/2023 Codified
Ord. 2397 Amends §§ 12.16.020, 12.16.030, 12.18.090, 12.48.010(B)(1), 12.64.001(B) and 12.64.402(A), zoning 6/13/2023 Codified
Ord. 2396 Amends 2023-2024 sewer, water, and storm and surface water utility fund budgets 6/13/2023 Special
Ord. 2395 Amends 2023-2024 budget 6/6/2023 Special
Ord. 2394 Amends §§ 2.34.030, 2.44.010, 2.45.010, 2.48.030, 2.52.010, 2.52.020, 2.88.020, 2.88.030, 2.92.010, 2.92.040 and 22.12.010; repeals Ch. 2.36, boards and commissions 5/9/2023 Codified
Ord. 2393 Amends 2023-2024 capital improvement fund budget 2/28/2023 Special
Ord. 2392 Amends transportation element of Imagine Bothell... Comprehensive Plan 4/4/2023 Special
Ord. 2391 Grants telecommunications franchise 1/17/2023 Special
Ord. 2390 Amends §§ 21.12.071 and 21.16.130, impact fees 1/10/2023 Codified
Ord. 2389 Adds § 8.60.145; amends §§ 8.60.020, 8.60.060, 8.60.100, 8.60.130, 8.60.140, 8.60.300, 17.01.010, 17.20.010, 17.20.020(B), 17.20.040 and 17.20.060, transportation 12/13/2022 Codified
Ord. 2388 Amends 2021-2022 budget 12/13/2022 Special
Ord. 2387 Adopts 2023-2024 budget 12/6/2022 Special
Ord. 2386 Levying property taxes in King and Snohomish Counties; repeals Ord. 2366 11/15/2022 Repealed by Ord. 2406
Ord. 2385 Extends Ord. 2335, interim ordinance temporarily authorizing food and beverage establishments to use private parking areas for outdoor dining and waiving minimum parking regulations 11/15/2022 Special
Ord. 2384 Adds Ch. 8.21, compost procurement 11/1/2022 Codified
Ord. 2383 Amends § 18.10.110, storm and surface water rates 11/1/2022 Codified
Ord. 2382 Amends § 18.03.210, sewer rates 11/1/2022 Codified
Ord. 2381 Amends §§ 18.06.250 and 18.06.330(E), water rates 11/1/2022 Codified
Ord. 2380 Extends cable franchise 10/11/2022 Special
Ord. 2379 Property acquisition by eminent domain 6/28/2022 Special
Ord. 2378 Amends §§ 8.24.050, 12.06.030(B)(2)(a) and (B)(2)(b)(4), 12.06.190(A) and (B) and 12.64.201, beekeeping 6/7/2022 Codified
Ord. 2377 Renews interim ordinance temporarily authorizing food and beverage establishments to use private parking areas for outdoor dining and waiving minimum parking regulations 5/17/2022 Special
Ord. 2376 Adds § 8.37.105; amends §§ 8.37.010, 8.37.020 and 8.37.100, fireworks 11/16/2021 Codified
Ord. 2375 Revises city procurement policy; repeals Ord. 2256 3/1/2022 Not codified